A Decade of Implantation of the Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering in the Western Amazon
Electrical Engineering Course, Academic Achievement, Western Amazon EducationAbstract
This paper deals with the implementation of the Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering in Western Amazonia, as well as it presents an analysis of the academic performance of students in the Basic and Professional Core. The Federal University of Rondônia Foundation (UNIR), located in Porto Velho, Brazil, started the activities of the course in 2007 and continues to invest in the infrastructure and qualification of human resources in order to stimulate technological development in the region. Analyzing the performance data of the academics regarding the degree of difficulty established from the curricular offer, it is possible to infer some answers. In the course of the analysis, the databases emerged by taking note, such as students who only enroll and do not attend the course, among others. The disciplines diverged into two segments, Basic Core (NB) and Professional Core (NP). The data refers to the grades obtained by the students in all the disciplines studied and offered by the Academic Electrical Engineering Department (DAEE) in the period from 2007/1 to 2016/2. Along the analysis, two graphs demonstrated the evaluation. The analysis of the academic performance of students in the subjects during the NB and NP reinforces the result obtained in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), since Brazil has not obtained progress in science, reading, and mathematics averages. The results obtained indicate the necessity of effective measures in primary and secondary education since the deficit propagated to superior levels.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Carlos Alberto T. Carvalho Jr., Ciro J. Egoavil, Lucas F. Ramos, Mauren P. C. Silva, Priscila L. Vianna, Viviane B. Silva, Walterlina B. Brasil

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