The Proposal of the Brazilian patent office for the backlog solution

An unconstitutional proposition


  • Sílvio Sobral Garcez Júnior Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil
  • Rodrigo Nogueira Albert Loureiro Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil
  • Bruno Ramos Eloy Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil
  • Gabriel Francisco da Silva Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil
  • João Antonio Belmino dos Santos Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil
  • Francisco Valdivino Rocha Lima Federal Institute of Piauí, Brazil



backlog, patent, substantive examination, simplified procedure, Brazil


It is notorious that there is an efficiency crisis in the Brazilian patent system, unable to meet society's demand for a faster patent examination. The INPI takes about 11 years to concede a patent. There are 231.184 pending patent applications, and in June of 2017 it promoted a public consultation proposing an infra-legal norm that allows the granting of patents without substantive examination in the country, the so-called simplified procedure of granting of patent applications. Currently, the Brazilian government recognizes that it does not have the structure to make the substantive examination of all pending patent applications. This article aims to analyze not only the legality but the very constitutionality of the proposal under examination. After analyzing the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil and also the national legislation, it was concluded that it is not possible to grant patents without substantive examination in Brazil. In search of solution for INPI backlog, it should be based on the social interest and the technological development of the country, and this is not the case of the proposal commented in this paper.


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Author Biographies

  • Sílvio Sobral Garcez Júnior, Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil

    Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property Science

  • Rodrigo Nogueira Albert Loureiro, Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil

    Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property Science

  • Bruno Ramos Eloy, Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil

    Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property Science

  • Gabriel Francisco da Silva, Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil

    Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property Science

  • João Antonio Belmino dos Santos, Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil

    Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property Science

  • Francisco Valdivino Rocha Lima, Federal Institute of Piauí, Brazil

    Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property Science


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How to Cite

Garcez Júnior, S. S., Loureiro, R. N. A., Eloy, B. R., Silva, G. F. da, Santos, J. A. B. dos, & Lima, F. V. R. (2019). The Proposal of the Brazilian patent office for the backlog solution: An unconstitutional proposition. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(7), 64-77.

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