Environmental Management of Gabriel Correia Pedrosa Children's School in Manaus - Amazonas, an Application of Environmental Education


  • Déryk Jórdan da Silva Cunha
  • Fabiana Rocha Pinto
  • Daria Kessy da Silva Cunha
  • Gilvania Mendes Cunha
  • David Barbosa de Alencar ITEGAM
  • Gisele de Freitas Lopes




Environmental Education, Environmental Management, 7R's


The implementation of Environmental Management in elementary schools encourages the development and sharing of correct environmental solutions, cost reduction and resource optimization, conservation of school physical spaces and commitment to the management process. In this context, it is proposed to apply an Environmental Environmental Management Plan at Gabriel Correia Pedrosa Nursery, located in the Compensa II neighborhood, Manaus-AM, seeking to identify as environmental activities. An exploratory research was used to define the problem with greater precision, to identify methods of action or to obtain additional data, having as pedagogical objectives the introduction of paradigm changes that lead the individuals of Education to be inserted in democratic processes of transformation of the problem. human-nature relationship. An analysis of the data allowed the elaboration of methods of implementation of the Gabriel Correia Pedrosa Nursery PGAE model guided by the following steps: an environmental perception through the early diagnosis of activities and a thematic methodology of the nursery EA. Thus, the nursery develops activities to finalize the student on environmental issues in order to raise awareness - and use a multiplying agent, carried out in 2019, as the following activities: activities and studies with plants and flowers for cultivation and irrigation; interaction with soil, without working the nursery garden; implementation of fruit trees for children and environmental educational tours. The Nursery seeks to implement the highest level of GEA, going from 5R to a change, reinventing a way of life, being described by 7R.


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How to Cite

da Silva Cunha, D. J., Rocha Pinto, F., da Silva Cunha, D. K., Mendes Cunha, G., Barbosa de Alencar, D., & de Freitas Lopes, G. (2019). Environmental Management of Gabriel Correia Pedrosa Children’s School in Manaus - Amazonas, an Application of Environmental Education. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(11), 388-396. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol7.iss11.1892

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