PDCA Cycle Application in Management of Industrial Processes in a Manaus Industrial Pole Factory
PDCA, Portable Battery, 5SAbstract
This study aimed to study and monitor the implementation of the PDCA method. (Plan, Do, Check, Action) Through action research. It was found that achieving the best results required the use of Quality Tools (Ishikawa Diagram, 5W and 2H, Brainstorning, 5S) providing more accurate data for better decision making. The study had bibliographic research and data comparison, providing references to diagnose the root of the problem presented in the production process related to the aesthetic quality of the finished product (Lithium Ion battery for mobile). Using the 5S program to implement and guide employees in new work habits, ensuring product and process quality, avoiding waste and enabling continuous improvement.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Hercules Oliveira Cantanhede, David Barbosa de Alencar, Alexandra Priscilla Tregue Costa, Manoel Henrique Reis Nascimento
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