Academic Process Oriented to the Reputational Capital of Brazilian HEI Brands




academic business process, brands reputational capital, positive university culture, student planning, interaction with society


The reputation of a university must be positive, whether it is private or public, given the competitiveness of its environment.  Reputation is an indicator of organizational success and can be monitored by the brand's reputational capital, which corresponds to the harmony between the characteristics established by the managers - brand identity, and the perception defined by its stakeholders - brand image. In a complementary way, business processes are useful tools for optimizing the roles and outcome of organizations. The objective of this work was to model an academic business process, to increase the efficacy of higher education training, guided by the reputational capital of the brands of universities in Brazil. A quasi-systematic review was carried out to investigate academic business processes - identity; bibliographic review to understand reputation and competitiveness – image; and was elaborated a diagram of the academic business process model with UML resources, SIPOC approach, relating identity and image through guidelines: elaboration and evaluation of student work individual plan, student self-efficacy stimulus, individual teaching advice, positive university culture, interaction with society and co-creation of brands by students from Brazilian HEIs - reputational capital.


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Author Biography

  • Robelius De-Bortoli, Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS

    Licenciado em Educação Física - UFRGS
    Especialista em Futebol Administração e Marketing - UGF
    Doutor em Ciência de la Actividad Física - UNILEON
    Pos-Doutorado pela Universidade da Costa Rica


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How to Cite

Cox, K., & De-Bortoli, R. (2020). Academic Process Oriented to the Reputational Capital of Brazilian HEI Brands. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 8(12), 238-261.
Received 2020-11-18
Accepted 2020-12-04
Published 2020-12-01

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