Action of cyanogenic substances and magnetic field in the reduction of neoplasms
An integrative literature review
Neoplasm, Magnetic Field Therapy, AmygdalineAbstract
Cancer treatment has been constantly improved to cause the least possible harm to the patient. New therapies are being researched, many of them having as object of scientific-academic and pharmacological research the use of cyanogenic plants and their antitumor chemical compounds that can bring benefits to human health, having the potential to be associated with the magnetic Field and thus achieve a better benefit and with reduced adverse effects in cancer treatment. This study aimed to review the effect of cyanogenic substances and magnetic Field on tumor evolution in the literature. The integrative review of the literature was carried out in the databases EMBASE, PUBMED, LILACS, VHL, SCOPUS and MEDLINE. A final sample of 14 scientific articles, published from 2011 to 2020, was obtained, highlighting that cyanogenic substances and the magnetic Field can help reduce tumors. The most common studies were on the magnetic Field, and the studies were carried out mainly in vitro, with a frequency of 50 Hz that stood out from the others. Among the cyanogenic substances, the most prevalent was tonsillin, with the most used dosage of 10mg / ml. It was possible to conclude that both the magnetic Field and cyanogenic substances can reduce tumors.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Thais da Cruz Penha Jabrayan, Rondon Tosta Ramalho, Valdir Aragão Nascimento, Melissa da Cruz Penha Friozi, Joaquim Borges de Menezes Neto, Priscila Gonçalves Soares dos Santos, Igor Domingos de Souza, Hugo Vieira Ramos, Iara Barbosa Ramos

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Accepted 2022-04-20
Published 2022-07-01