Brazilians perspective on cryptocurrencies
Demand, Cryptocurrencies, Economics, Monetary , AlternativeAbstract
The advance in science and technology combined with the development of the Internet offers new options for the use of money. Economic agents are beginning to lose physical contact with money and carry out transactions through electronic channels. The debate on the subject is of international relevance and foresees the manifestation of the monetary authority, which shows the importance of the subject. This paper sought to present the theories of demand for cryptocurrencies, discuss the perspective of Brazilians in relation to digital assets, and show the role of cryptocurrencies in the current economy. This study aimed to identify how the growth in demand for cryptocurrencies can impact the financial system and the globalized economy. The methodology employed is bibliographical, documental, and field research on the monetary evolution and the perspective of Brazilians in relation to crypto assets. Based on the online questionnaire conducted with 170 respondents who answered about what they understand by digital assets, it was observed that most of them are not used to the theme in question, however, there is a great interest in learning. It is concluded that compared to sovereign currencies, cryptocurrency meets monetary demand in isolation, in each context and period.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Débora Pereira de Mattos, Daiane Rodrigues dos Santos, Alberto Eduardo Besser Freitag, Osvaldo Quintella Jr, Fabrício da Costa Dias

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Accepted 2022-05-09
Published 2022-06-01