Women's Home Office
Pandemic and Family
Home Office, Woman, Pandemic, FamilyAbstract
The study investigated the implications for women from the coast of Paraná, Brazilin regard to the home office in life, family, and work during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research was conducted on 20 women, and 3 (three) categories of analysis were taken into consideration: woman, family, and work. For data analysis, the content of Bardin analysis technique was used. The study revealed that the imposition of the home office brought new challenges for women to reconcile home care, family, and work, which caused an overload of responsibilities leading to fatigue due to the multiple tasks performed; as well as the lack of preparation of companies to adopt the modality, which results in an environment that hinders the performance of their functions and affects the quality of life of workers.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2021-11-19
Published 2021-12-01