Approach of McGregor's X and Y Theory Associated with the Adaptive or Non-Adaptive Culture Construct of Kotter and Heskett
An Empirical Study in Goiás, Brazil
Organizational Culture, Motivation, Organizational managementAbstract
This empirical research aimed to identify if there is an association between the organizational management model based on McGregor 's X and Y Theory with the construct of the adaptive and non-adaptive culture approach of Kotter and Heskett. The methodology of the research is exploratory and descriptive, based on bibliography and field research. The bibliographical revision was structured from classic compendia of the administration, with the objective of recovering the theoretical basis of the conceptualization of Theory X and Y, and the contemporary literature for the understanding of the current scenario of organizational culture. The survey was applied in satellite companies of the fashion, food and service segment in a Shopping Center established in the city of Anápolis-Goiás. To measure the data collected, the following statistical tools were applied: Alpha Cronbach, to evaluate the density of the questionnaire data; the Pearson Correlation Coefficient, to verify, through analysis of the correlation and linear regression between the data surveyed, if there is an association relationship between the adaptive and non-adaptive organizational culture approach and the McGregor X and Y Theory approach; and the F statistic to obtain the significance test of the hypotheses and make the decision to accept or reject the null hypothesis. The results of this investigation point to the existence of evidence that associates the management model based on McGregor 's X and Y Theory to the Kotter' s Construct and Heskett 's approach to non-adaptive and adaptive culture.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Francisco Alberto Severo de Almeida, Prof. Dr., Kênia Tomaz Marques Caetano, Prof., Marcelo Duarte Porto, Prof. Dr.

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