Relationship Between People Management Practices and Disruptive Innovation and Organizational Modernity
People Management Practices, Disruptive Innovation, Organizational ModernityAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the relationship between people management practices and disruptive innovation and organizational modernity. The methodological path followed is characterized by a quantitative approach, using the survey procedure for data collection and treatment by means of Structural Equation Modeling Through the structural equation modeling, one can buy that the people management practices have a positive relationship with the organizational modernity; and the organizational modernity has a positive influence on the Disruptive Innovation. It was observed People Management Practices explain 82% Organizational Modernity and People Management and Organizational Modernity explain 78% of Disruptive Innovation. It can be stated that for the sample analyzed Organizational Modernity was confirmed a mediating variable
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rosecler Maschio Gilioli, Maria Emilia Camargo, Mariane Camargo Priesnitz

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Accepted 2022-03-05
Published 2022-03-01