How to evaluate the "Bolsa Universidade" Program in Manaus


  • Jonas Gomes da Silva Federal University of Amazon (UFAM)
  • Juliana da Silva Ferreira Eureka Laboratory



Bolsa Universidade, Satisfaction, Servperf


The research evaluates the satisfaction level of the services provided by the Manaus Municipal Public Service School and Socio-Educational Inclusion (ESPI) to the scholarship holders of the Bolsa Universidade Program. To this end, an online questionnaire adapted from the SERVPERF model was applied, using five quality dimensions: tangible, reliability, effectiveness, assurance and empathy. It has 20 items distributed among the dimensions, where the respondent indicated their level of satisfaction through a 10-point Likert scale. It was available for eight days and had 442 respondents. After data collection, the Cronbach's alpha reliability test was performed. Then, the data were analyzed using the average and standard deviation of dimensions and items. It was observed that the best dimention was reliability, and the item with the best performance was the “reliable documentation management”. On the other hand, the dimension that needs improvement is effectiveness, and the item that needs urgent improvement is “waiting in line for documentation delivery”. After analyzing the data, the main conclusion was that the level of satisfaction was considered Good. In the end, suggestions for improvement were made for the critical items. For future studies, it is suggested to evaluate the level of satisfaction after applying the improvement actions.


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Author Biographies

  • Jonas Gomes da Silva, Federal University of Amazon (UFAM)

    Faculty of Technology

  • Juliana da Silva Ferreira, Eureka Laboratory

    Department of Industrial Engineering


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How to Cite

Gomes da Silva, J. ., & da Silva Ferreira, J. (2019). How to evaluate the "Bolsa Universidade" Program in Manaus. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(11), 1483-1501.

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